Naturepure Women's Health Clinic
Naturepure Women's Health Clinic
Online Telehealth Appointments
Some information about how online sessions work
Making your appointment
To make an appoitnment, click on the BOOK NOW button. This will take you to the Naturepure Women's Health Clinic booking calendar. Please select a convenient time and enter your details as prompted. Once you have made your appointment you will recieve an email and text reminder of your appointment.
What should I expect
A day or two prior to your appointment you will receive a questionaire to fill out. This questionanaire asks for your personal details, medical history, current medications, reason for your visit and a comprehensive symptom checklist.
Prior to your appointment you will also be emailed a zoom meeting link to join at the time of your planned session. It is simple to click on the link and join your naturopath for an in depth discussion and assesment of your health needs.
You can enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home. Try to find a quiet and comfortable space to talk freely and openly in your home. If there are any medications or herbs that you may require these can be posted direct to your door.
Make an Appointment
With Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist Rebekah Bryce
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