Naturepure Women's Health Clinic
Naturepure Women's Health Clinic
Microbiome Health
Understand your unique microbiome, how it affects your overall health, and how you can achieve a better balance between desirable and less desirable microorganisms in your gut using our comprehensive test that screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
The 4-Pillar Gut Profile
The 4-Pillar Gut Profile was designed to provide a comprehensive investigation of the gut microbiome using four key functional diagnostic tests. Providing the tools to build a solid foundation of investigation takes much of the guesswork out of systemic imbalances, if the bases are covered then a structured and thorough correction plan can be implemented.
Pillar 1: Complete Microbiome Mapping -Is a quantitative PCR (qPCR) stool based test that screens for a comprehensive range of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and worms that provides you with a true quantitative detection value to correct when certain microorganisms become dysbiotic or otherwise causing health issues. In addition to this an extensive range of GIT chemistry tests are provided within the test.
Pillar 2: IgG96 Food Sensitivity Testing -Eliminating the offending foods will create a stronger mucosal immunity. Testing for adverse food reactions is useful for individuals who suspect that a food is responsible for causing their symptoms, but cannot quite identify which food(s). The presence of circulating antibodies may affect each patient differently. Circulating IgG food antibodies are not diagnostic for a specific condition, but indicate an immune response to that food.
Pillar 3: Intestinal Permeability – Assessment for leaky gut provides the support of nutrients that might be compromised as a result of a dysregulated microbiome whether from an overgrowth of a pathogen or a particular food intolerance. Providing both fat soluble and water soluble vitamins for our micro-nutrient support network will benefit so many biological functions.
Pillar 4: SIBO Lactulose Breath Test –The Lactulose Breath Test for SIBO is designed to take a three-hour picture of how the bacteria in your intestinal system are functioning. When bacteria digest food, they produce gas. It’s when some bacteria that normally live in your lower intestine end up living in your small intestine. The small intestine isn’t set up for these bacteria, so they can cause a lot of problems. When bacteria digest food, they give off Hydrogen and Methane gasses. When these gasses are in your small intestine, they can cause a multitude of problems and symptoms
Advanced Microbiome Mapping
The landscape of microbiology and gut health testing has been revolutionised by the advancements in PCR technology and extensive research efforts worldwide. This deeper understanding has illuminated the remarkable interplay between the microorganisms inhabiting our GI tract and their profound impact on our overall health, encompassing both the benefits they bring and the risks they pose in terms of disease susceptibility.
The Advanced Microbiome Mapping has been meticulously designed to comprehensively assess a patient’s microbiome through a single stool sample. This panel assesses a diverse array of microbial targets (both commensal and opportunistic), fungi, yeast, parasites, as well as immune and digestive markers.
The inclusion of additional sensitivity testing through culture is what sets The Advanced Microbiome Mapping Test apart from other PCR panels. By subjecting the isolated microbial strains to sensitivity testing, healthcare professionals gain invaluable insights into how these microorganisms respond to various treatment options and helps pinpoint the most effective therapeutic strategies. This targeted approach not only minimises the overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can lead to antibiotic resistance, but also optimises treatment outcomes by tailoring interventions to the individual
Make an Appointment
To see Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist Rebekah Bryce
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